Use the following form to submit your payment. Please add a note to your payment with your child's name as well as the contributor's name.
Dues |
2019-2020 LHS Marching Band Activity Fee $285.00 | |
2019-2020 LMS Marching Band Activity Fee $285.00 | |
2019-2020 GE/GG Activity Fee $285.00 | |
Meals |
Pre-Game Meal Plan $65.00 | |
Uniforms (Marching Band) |
Shoes $45.00 | |
Band T-Shirt $12.00 | |
Band Booster T-Shirt $15.00 | |
Jogging Suit $70.00 | |
Miscellaneous | |
Uniforms (Golden Elegance/Golden Gems) |
Miscellaneous | |
Travel |
Trip Payments | |
Fundraisers |
Coke Fundraiser | |
Krispy Kreme Fundraiser | |
Body Butter Fundraiser | |
Miscellaneous Fundraiser | |
Events |
2018 Banquet | |
Donations |
Donations |